Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall Craft: Give Your Pumpkins Some Bling!

Today is my craft day for Marilyn's FALL CRAWL, woo hoo!

I have the simplest way to decorate pumpkins but make them somewhat jazzy.
Dun dun nuh nuh.............self adhesive rhinestones!

For ladies always on the go, tied up with work, school, work+school or babies....or maybe even the less skilled craftsman, this craft is for you.

What you'll need:
-decor pumpkins
-self-adhesive rhinestones (I got mine from Michael's; they have all several shapes)
-1/4 of creativity :-)

Bling pumpkins.

Orange potpourri in vase as well as bowl.

Small decor for hall/entry way.
One pumpkin did not make the photo. It was the tall pumpkin. I used the glittered, gray-looking circles for to make a spider web....buuuuutt, the Michael's I live near was out of  fake spiders. The plan is to glue the pumpkin. It just doesn't look right without the spider. I looked for this particular spider for a week, but everytime I go to the Michael's near me, they're out and I keep forgetting to just go to Hobby Lobby, probably because its further away too.

Anyway to complete the look, I suggest buying a bigger pumpkin and several packs of adhesive circles (glitter or clear rhinestones) and put them in the shape of spider web. Then glue a spider to the middle of the spider web and voila. It took me 20-30 minutes to put all of the 'bling' on the pumpkins.

I think my next pumpkin project, just in time for Halloween, will be this.....

Another easy project. Looks like what is needed are black pumpkins, or black spray paint, colorful felt fabric for the eyes and ears and a pumpkin cutting knife to cut the stems.

I hope you try one of these easy, decorative pumpkins projects.....and when you do, be sure to let me know!

Happy seasonal crafting!


  1. This is too cute! Go Deia!!! I love that potpouri too!

  2. Good idea! Trying to decide if we're going to just buy pumpkins or go out to a patch to get them. Either way, I def need some decorating ideas. lol

  3. This is great Deia, I love it..Great ideas. The bling factor excites me :))..Thanks so much for sharing ..Love :))

  4. I love that everyone loves Fall. I'm getting into the spirit of Fall and I love the bedazzled pumpkin!

  5. @TiAnna - thanks...cute and easy.

    @Nik - Its the easiest thing I could do that my boy can't tear up. We sold our house and no longer have a mantle (fireplace) to put things on. Fake pumpkins are recyclable but we're going to the patch just for fun. :-)

    @Marily - Thanks for all the inspirational crafts! I think your pumpkin needs more bling than mine. :-)

    @Dirt On the Rocks - Fall is the best. I think bedazzling things makes anything exciting....more or less depending on the room its going in.

  6. I am going to run out and buy some bling for my pumpkins! Thanks for sharing this cute idea!

  7. that is so cool! I'm always thinking about carving pumpkins...not adding to them! Nicely done!

  8. D, don't forget to add your's to the party today : )) I love them.. MUST SEE.. Link up whenever you get a sec K..? I sent you the link code for your blog too.. Woohoo..

  9. I'm loving the rhinestones. I can imagine how pretty it will be when the catch and reflect the light.

    Bella Vida by Letty
    Have a great day.

  10. wow, look at you! those pumpkins are so cute! i want to do that too! and orange potpourri in the bowl and vase is perfection!


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