Thursday, September 8, 2011

Earning Some Stars To My Stripes & Postpartum Nutrition

I really earned my "mommy" title this morning!
In a little over an hour: I brushed teeth, fed my toddler and my baby, packed lunch, changed the biggest blowout I have ever seen BEFORE the school dropoff, dropped off my toddler at school, then gave my stinky baby a bath...oh and cleaned two runny snot-filled noses with a nasal syringe. Goodness!
Yes, I'm adding a couple stars to my stripes. :-)

I've been really busy doing....I don't really even know. Between dealing with my toddler's part-time preschool, doing play dates, joining a MOPS (Moms of Preschoolers) group and catching up on my recorded shows, I haven't had any time to blog.

Post-partum Nutrition Renewal

Okay, so since I had two babies back to back, I really just couldn't wait to be able to eat what I wanted, meaning not so healthy. When pregnant, I made sure to eat balanced meals and sweets several times a week and not everyday. Well, now that I'm not pregnant nor nursing I have been eating sweets (sweets=anything with chocolate) every single day. I mean, I pop semi-sweet chocolate chips like skittles. So today I have made a pact with myself that I will not be eating anymore 'sweets' for a whole month. Whenever I want something sugary to eat, I'll make sure it is something natural and fresh...blueberries and strawberries.
Um, should I make this 2 weeks instead of a whole month? Okay, okay. I think I'll still keep it at a month, but there will be exceptions like if I'm at a football party or kids birthday party. But when I'm at home or doing day-to-day errands, no chocolate for me.

I plan to eat more protein and green stuff....that'd be vegetables. Although my metabolism is naturally high [still], I'm not as young and healthy as I was 8-10 years ago and its time to get the healthy part back. Maybe we'll head to the farmers market this weekend and buy some fresh veggies. Its time I really started doing everything I can do to get back to my former healthy state. After all, we women are the cheerleaders for the rest of the family so we migh as well 'cheerlead' by example.

What My Hair Is Doing....

I have had 2 twist-out FAILS and 1 braid-out FAIL. Its been a bad couple of weeks hair style-wise. Right now my hair is pulled back into a low bun, even though I was supposed to have given up ponytail styles. I'm totally at a loss right now. I didn't take any pictures because, well, whenever I take my hair down in the morning, I'm always on the way somewhere and then have to rush to recover it in some way.

I've also learned that my hair hates coconut oil. Great. That's always great to learn after you've bought the ginormous $13 container. Ugh. Coconut oil makes my hair/ends feel really crispy and dry. I feel like I still have crsipy and frizzy ends even though I deep conditioned after it. I did a little research and learned that other ladies with that experience claim to be protein sensitive. I've never felt that I had any issues with protein before so this is definitely new and something I will be paying more attention to. 

Has anyone ever had this problem? If so, how long did it take you to finally feel like you've regained moisture? What do you do to make your ends SMOOTH?


  1. Hey girl, do you add the coconut to wet or dry hair? Dry hair yes mad crispy. It doesn't have to go to waste though. You can add a little to your conditioner to pre-poo :-)

    You can try the bagging method to help regain moisture. HairCrush on YouTube explains it well.

    I smooth my ends after wash day with Jamaican Black Castor Oil. Also, Argan Oil...THE BOMB! Amazing shine and helps smooth fly aways.

    God bless you taking care of 2 babies. Yes, you have earned your stripes!

  2. My hair hates coconut oil as well so I just use my jar on my skin and when I do a deep condition I add some in there. Way to go on adding those stars girly! Great job juggling the bambinos. Hopefully that'll be some day.

  3. Yeah, I've heard of coconut oil doing that. Like Michelle said, all is not lost. You can deep condition, baggy, slick down edges, pre-poo and much more with coconut oil. Or maybe use it if you haven't hennaed in a while, since henna is a protein too. You can also use coconut oil on your skin.

  4. you def. deserve more than stars!

    i hear you on the sweets! that is my weakness too ... love chocolate and sweets ... i could do without cupcakes, cookies and cakes but i love chocolate!

    as for the hair i was using a product that i thought was great then i tried something new and realized that my hair is acting so much better than it was before ... so sometimes trying out new products is the only way to really find out what works for you ... i also think that deep conditioning the hair goes a long way ...

  5. The life of a mommy, lol.

    Good for you eating healthy. I'm sure you'll do fine sticking to your month. An occasional snack here & there isn't too bad either.

    Hair. I don't even twist my hair anymore. Then only time it really looks good twisted is if it is freshly washed and twisted wet, then taken out. If I do dry twists it looks a hot mess. I don't even deal with it anymore. I've been doing the tighly curly method. Or putting it in a ponytail when it gets close to wash day.
    About the ends, are you putting the product on dry hair or wet/damp hair? Maybe switching it up will help.
    I know a lot of women say they damp their hair with water & conditioner, then seal it in with one of the oils or butter.
    Good luck!


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