Thursday, June 23, 2011

Chips Ahoy Chocolate Chip Cookies are Evil

Seriously....its really not fair. Every time I see you, I can't help myself. You're definitely no good for me. Hell, before my second baby, I didn't even like you! I don't even know if I liked you when I was pregnant. So, why is it that I can't seem to escape your hold over me! Sigh.....I thought I could blame post-postpartum hormones, but that was about 3 months ago. Who/what can I blame this on now? You're preventing me from losing this pooch! Oh well, now that I've had the last of this batch, I promise I won't get another bag.......just as long as I never set foot in a grocery store for a month. Looks like the hubby will have to do all of the shopping. Between you and the healthy bananas on the counter, I can't help but open your resealable pouch....
These used to be my hubby's favorite cookies and then once our second boy was born, I found myself eating all of his cookies. See, that's what pregnancy does, it causes you to like food your husband/kid(s) dad likes even if you never liked it pre-pregnancy! 

Hair and Lipstick fun:
I've gotten rather plain post-college, but ESPECIALLY post-babies, but I plan to get my fabulousness back one step at a time. 

This was $12!
I originally bought the $20 one by Make up Forever and my friend made fun of me saying the Sephora brand was just as good. Well, she was absolutely right because I ended up liking this one much better color-wise anyway!


  1. Hi!
    Assuming you're past your pooch issues, and perhaps still fighting the cravings, perhaps it might help to have a "less bad for you option?" In that case, I HIGHLY recommend Back to Nature's Chocolate Chunk or Mini Chocolate Chunk cookies which have a lot of similarities to Chips Ahoy!, but are far superior! They're crispy; they have chunks, instead of chips, and the chocolate is a tastier, higher quality chocolate (real chocolate)! They're more satisfying, although, in general you have to heat slowly to prevent gorging yourself on the yumminess... and the best part is, they're natural! You really DON'T need fake ingredients to be tasty! They contain no hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, artificial preservatives, flavors or colors!

    No, I don't work for their company, and have no vested interest in their promotion, except, hoping that more people will get off the fake foods, and maybe make these products cheaper for everyone as they go more and more mainstream. You can get coupons for these. I've gotten them at Whole Foods Market combining store AND manufacturer's coupons for big savings! They also make chocolate sandwich cookie but I don't honestly remember how similar they are to Oreos.


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