Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Trick or Treat!

We had another busy weekend....having fun and spending time with family. We also took family pictures at the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens and the photos are going to be soooo fabulous. (we took a few on some rocks in the middle of a stream --- my kinda shots!)

I was excited about Halloween, then changed my mind after having such an exhausting weekend, but we still managed some trick or treating.

This was just one house! Our neighborhood's decor really goes hard!
Headed out....
Wasn't too sure about it, but he was a good sport.
They enjoyed the noise the candy wrappers make, lol.

We didn't dress up this year because...well we were just too tired. We had a long weekend and unexpectedly ended up hanging out with friends all night on Saturday and with a different set of friends on Sunday. There's always next year I guess.
Right now, house parties are our thing having just moved to a new area with babies and all. :-) Hope you all had a great and busy Halloween weekend as well!


  1. Your boys are sooo adorable. LOVE this.. :))

  2. How cute! We went trick or treating as well. It was Max's first time. He really enjoyed it. He won't eat candy, though, so I guess we pimped out our kid because mommy & daddy have been eating all of it. lol

  3. Awww..the boys are too cute..looked like they had a fun time!

  4. @TiAnna - Thanks!

    @Marilyn - Thanks! Your daughter was gorgeous in her costume!

    @Nik - We totally pimped out our kids, lmbo. It was a fun time though he can't say 'trick or treat' nor 'happy halloween!'

    @Mrs. Pancakes - Thanks! They actually did.


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