Thursday, November 3, 2011

8 Lines...

I'm linking up with Mama Kat's writer's workshop today thanks to Mrs. H.  

My favorite things right now are lack luster tv programs, like reality tv, wine and coffee.  It used to be reading, but I prefer to read a book in a week and not a month, but I'm gonna try it anyway.

I need to add exercising in my favorite things somewhere. We all know its important to look great for the holidays and I'm still not where I want to be yet.

My current dislikes are know-it-alls. One person cannot possibly have all the answers, not to mention everything or every theory does not apply to everyone. Oh, throw copy cats in there too.

I really hope that this year's Texas winter will be nice to us. Prove to us that the 'south' really is better! :-) Really, I know anything this we have will be better than what we'd get in the midwest.

This was at our exit to our house. Texas gets some STRONG winds.

I take my almost 2-yr old to preschool now. I love dropping him off and watching him say 'bye'  to me, especially when the whole month of September involved crying at drop-off time.

He is like a completely different person, since going to his part-time preschool.  My heart flutters every time I watch his exuberance with people and playmates. I have this feeling whenever I look at old newborn/baby photos and I know this feeling just gets better as he and his brother get older.

I used to be really excited about growing my hair really long, but I'm taking a break. Maybe the break from my excitement will be what the hair doctor ordered.

I really need to make a Christmas list and start my Christmas shopping! Its November already! Can you believe it?!?


  1. Aww I love the pic with the desciption of! Like you I like reality tv and not so much. Every once in a while a latte.

  2. ahhh, reality tv is the best ... seriously, nothing better than mindless entertainment!

    can't believe it is November either. i hope to accomplish most of my Christmas shopping on Black Friday. excited about Black Friday too! i might be a little bit crazy!

  3. Love the lil boy definition. Too sweet! It is so bittersweet watching our babes become lil people, isn't it?

  4. I love the little boy definition, too. My daughter used to cry when I took her to daycare. Then I quit working and we stayed home. She cried that she COULDN'T go to daycare!

  5. My guy is loving preschool too. It is such fun to peek in his classroom door and see him learning.

  6. oh how I long for some nice weather. OK it's 62 here in NY but dang that's the high for a looooong time!

    Best to you on your writing workshop.

    As for your hair, now that you are going to leave it alone as you say, watch it grow like weeds! You know how we decide to just leave something then it blossoms? Amazing.

  7. I love that your guy is liking school. My youngest is 2 as well and finally...finally! he lets me drop him off without holding onto my leg. Daddy drops him off, it's all okay daddy, bye bye, I see lata. Me? Nooooooooooo mommy, come back! Come back! Glad to be over the hump.

  8. Isn't is a nice feeling to watch your boy grow up? Love the definition. Good luck on your easy winter, we here in NYC can do with one of those!

  9. I used to love reality tv then moved then couldn't find tr channels
    so now I watch is house hunters! Love then definition of "boy". I need
    To make my christmas too and check it twice before month is over!

  10. @Mrs. H - I only really started liking coffee after having these babies. You'll convert in the near future. :-)

    @Faith - There is NOTHING better than mindless entertainment, besides maybe soap operas (for me, lol....blame my grandma)

    @Melifaif - Thanks! Yes, it is! Warms my heart. :-)

    @Jerralea- That is soo funny. I think he'll be crying to go next year, lol.

    @JDaniel4's Mom - I peek in everyday. :-)

    @Michelle - I really hope it grows. I cut off 2" 3 weeks ago. :-( Poor detangling led to damage. Wanted to start over a little. Oh, the writer's workshop is from a blog. I forgot to put the link. That's what I get for blogging at night.

    @Arnebya - That's so cute. My oldest, who will be 2 in December, used to do the same with my husband.

    @Nellie - Thanks! The definition is so fitting, lol! This winter is looking like everyone's gonna be cooollllldddd.

    @Mrs. Pancakes - I love House Hunters AND Property Virgins! Don't get to watch it often anymore though. I'm making my list this week.


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