Sunday, July 3, 2011

Top 5 - 4th of July Must Do's....

I got this from my fellow bloggy friend, Young Suburban Mom. Check her out!

Top 5 Things I will be doing this 4th of July:

5) Making a quick and festive dessert....Jello Pudding Pie (see recipe below)

4) Possibly helping my grill king prepare and season the burgers and steak

3) Hanging at the pool with the fam

2) Purchasing a one-piece swimsuit, so that I can actually get IN the pool....yeah my "Project Flab to Abs" has not been in any kind of effect but that's another post.

1) Eating

Jello Pudding Pie (No Bake)
1 ready-made Graham cracker pie crust
1 box of Jello instant pudding, flavor of your choice
2 tubs of Cool Whip
Strawberries and blueberries for garnishment (optional)

Spray pie crust with butter (optional) and put pie crust in oven for 5-7 minutes to harden, prevents crust from crumbling when cut into.
Make jello by following directions on back of the box.
Once the jello has thickened, mix in 1 tub of Cool lumps.
Fold mixture into the pie crust and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. If it looks as though the top has hardened before 1 hour then proceed to next step.
Spread a thin layer (like icing on a cake thin) of  Cool Whip on top.
Put strawberries and blueberries on top to garnish


  1. yum that jello pudding pie sounds awesome!

    have a fab weekend!

  2. WOW! thanks for the love. I'm going to try that jello pudding pie it sounds amazing.

  3. This sounds delicious! I gotta try this!

    I have an award for you on my blog :)


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