Friday, July 22, 2011

Pictures from the Carolinas....or the few that came out good. :-/

I just LOVED our apartment suite hotel. It was so contemporary with a southern, country chic flare. 


The kitchenette.

View from the entrance.

Couch across from the kitchenette.

Our southern style balcony. :-)

Crab and mozzarella sandwich. The only food picture I remembered to take.

Last day at the beach.

My hair stayed in a ponytail puff by the end of the trip.

We kind of stayed out late and never really hung out in the room and when we did, we were always entertaining people so I never had time to do any braid-outs or twist-outs after jumping waves in the ocean. At least I changed my puff to be high and low every other day. 


  1. Hi, I found you on Shelli's Hairscapades. I love meeting other naturals so figured I'd stop on by.

  2. I can't wait until I can fit my bush into a ponytail! Your apartment suite looks gorgeous! How did you find it!

  3. aww love your pics and beautiful family!!! that crab sandwich looks delish!!! and your hair looks great, awesome texture even from afar.

  4. You have such a beautiful family! Oh and thanks for the lovely comment on my birth announcement! But I will say that I'm with you--this SAHM stuff is hard! Don't know how I make it look easy, but I'll take that! I'm always daydreaming about going back to work. lol Take care.


  5. your family is so beautiful!!! i love your hair! looks great even in the simple style!

    love the hotel pictures!

  6. I like the puff. Can't wait till I can wear just a puff of curls like that. Your boys are too adorable. Cute family!!!

  7. Thanks everybody!
    @TiAnna- we found our hotel by getting rejected from a Bed & Breakfast that isn't kid friendly. He recommended several other BnB's that are kid-friendly and our hotel. So we just chose the hotel. :-) I really want to stay at a BnB one day, just because.

  8. looks like a very home-y place to stay!! I would love to visit the ocean, but I've seen my fair share of the lake this summer!


  9. I love this hotel suite and to hang out on the comfort couch. Beautiful pictures, esp. liked your family of four. So nice :)


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