Monday, December 31, 2012

A New Year's Resolution: Showing Appreciation For Where I Am

Being appreciated is so important.
How do you show your loved ones you appreciate them and what they do? Or do you forget to?
I'm guilty of that.
So is my husband.
Sometimes its easy to have expectations for one another without showing a single bit of appreciation or even internal gratitude once that expectation has been met. I think this is very normal. The problem lies in never reflecting on when and how our expectations were met.
In the new year of 2013 and beyond, I've decided that I will do my best to be more conscious and present of the blessings around me. When I'm more present and conscious, the appreciation -- hopefully daily -- should flow much more easily than it does now.
Daily appreciation ---> warm words of kindness and thanks to GOD, my husband, family and friends and even friendly and helpful strangers. Not drawn out soliloquies, haha.
Each year, as I get older, the desire I have to be the woman that GOD created me to be deepens. As this desire deepens, I realize that having a heart of 'intentions' just doesn't cut it.
Its about doing. Its about action.
So where do I begin? I'm beginning with showing the gratitude and appreciation that I have for what's in front of me to TO those in front of me.
Lately, its been hard to show my appreciation to those in front of me when I don't connect it back to the gratitude I have [to GOD] inside of me. For others it can be an easy thing. It used to be an easy thing for me to do, but times of confusion throughout the years have proved the task of internal gratitude to be something that I've taken for granted.
Being consciously appreciative will also keep my attitudes to a minimum. {fake laugh with a side eye}
Watching the news reminds me to correct my attitude and 'pity parades' but being conscious of the blessings around me will lead me to the blessings that I want and have yet to encounter.
I guess this is my primary  New Year's resolution and sharing it for you to see will help keep me true to it.

Have a great time bringing in the New Year! I'm looking forward to seeing all of your New Year's Eve festivities!


  1. Showing appreciation is very important, especially to loved ones. Sometimes we take it for granted. Thanks for the reminder. Happy New Year!!

  2. I've been guilty of this. I've gone through life just assuming people know that I am grateful instead of verbalizing it. I can say that I am definitely getting better with showing people just how much I appreciate them either by doing something nice for them or just telling them how I much I care about them. I must admit, it also makes me feel just as amazing.

    I wish you well for 2013. God bless you and your family.

  3. I hate to say that I am guilty of not showing gratitude as often as I should. I'm definitely going to be working on that into 2013 and beyond!! Thanks for visiting and commenting in my blog and happy new year!!

  4. Wow! Such a great post and so very true! I loved reading this! It's going to be a great year for you!


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