Monday, November 5, 2012

NaBloPoMo: November Daily Blog Posting [Challenge]

Today on Twitter and BlogHer, I saw NaBloPoMo. What is that you ask? Its National Blog Posting Month being hosted by Yeah Write. The goal is to post EVERY.SINGLE.DAY for the month of November. Whoa.
The first time I saw this on my Twitter timeline, I brushed it off, because........well sometimes I only post once a week!
The second time I saw it in my timeline, I said, "Hmmmm, I think I could 'probably-maybe-possibly' do that."
The third time I saw it, Arnebya mentioned that she will be taking part of it. I really like Arnebya's blog because she's pretty funny when talking about motherhood.
The fourth and last time I saw it, GG also said that she would be joining in on the month-long writefest here. I always enjoy and connect with her heartfelt posts.

Four is my favorite number.

It was my 'sign' to join too.

I will be writing about topics other than motherhood and toddler antics sometimes since I'm more than just a mommy. (smile)

It'll be a good thing for me to make time to get a blog post out every day since I've never done it. I just hope I can keep up a similar posting schedule once the month is over.

Today is the last day to add your blog to the NaBloPoMo blogroll at YeahWrite and/or BlogHer, so if you see this righ now....hurry on over and join the list.

Sooo.....does this post count???


  1. Yes, this counts! LOL! I'm rooting for you and will be sure to read every single one :)

  2. It most definitely counts. I'm glad you're going for it (it's easier than you think). Just don't pressure yourself and remember that a picture or rambling or whatever YOU want can totally count as a post.


Thanks for coming by my little corner of blog land! I love comments and conversation so you're welcome to share your thoughts! It'll make my day!