Friday, November 2, 2012

They Can 'Smell' My Desire To Give In

What goes on in the mind of a child when they cry?
Notice, I said child.....not baby. Maybe I should really say toddler.
Anyway, enough of the technicalities.

What does it feel like to cry at the top of your lungs to get something you want? The age of not being able to communicate is over but not the habit of crying to get the response you want.....not need.

I would have an extreme headache if I cried at the top of my lungs when I didn't get what I wanted the WAY I wanted it. I get slight headaches when I cry for a few minutes when watching a sad movie or hearing of deaths, etc.
I wonder if 'they' get headaches........?
I'm not going to give in, even though that's the only logical thing to do to get the crying to stooooooppppp.
Just like dogs, babies/toddlers/kids have a sixth sense. They can 'smell' fear.
I think my kids can smell my desire to give in.

Do your kids have the same sixth sense? Do YOU give in? Ignore? Or cry-whine with them?
I alternate doing all three.


  1. My mood dictates how I respond which isn't good because that means I'm not consistent. Some days I'll ignore it. Others, I'm quick to snap. Poor child will never know how to act if I don't react the same.

    1. Lol....well I think its normal for our responses to be dictated by our moods. My habit is to never give in when its over something bogus....and I may snap if they don't catch the hint, when I'm in a bad mood. When I snap, they usually end up jumping on their bed while they're in 'time out.'

  2. Sigh.....yes, both of my kids have that sixth sense. My kids are now 5 and 8 and it just gets worse as they get older. By their age, they can perfect their timing and hit when you're having a bad moment and will give in just to make them go away.

  3. Newest follower here! I found you through the weekend link up! Cute blog, I can’t wait to read more!

  4. My children are much older (middle school & elementary). Unfortunately, they continue to whine when they get older to get their way. And whether or not I give in depends on how I'm feeling at that time, and what it is they're whining for. Sometimes I give in, but most times I don't. My husband on the other hand gives in because he cannot take it.
    I'm following from the Weekend Blog Walk. I love your blog.

    C. Michelle Ramsey

    1. I'd have to say I do the same and I'm okay with it. I think my husband gives in a bit more than me because really who wants to hear all of that?!? We're all creatures of habit so I don't mind throwing them off every now and then. I'll be more consistent when they get older. :-)

  5. Hi new to your blog from the weekend blog walk I'm looking forward to your posts. I'm a daddy blogger and I blog about my wonderful family.

  6. My three year old definitely screams until I give in :) I can only handle so much screaming before I think my brain shuts off!

    1. I'm going to be in the 3-year old stage in 2 months. Is that what I have to look forward to? (relentlessness)Haha.

  7. My son is a PROFESSIONAL! I really amazes me how he can whine as much as he does. We're getting better at him not getting so frustrated or upset because things don't go his way, but we still have a long way to go.

    I don't have this problem with my daughter anymore. She's 7 and thinks "crying is for babies." Go figure.

    1. Not sure if your son is older or younger than your daughter, but I'm going to go with the 'girls are more mature' theory. Just from the girls I see around my sons' ages (the ones that aren't throwing useless tantrums), they seem to move to the next 'stage' quicker.
      Either way, I like the way your daughter thinks!


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