Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Regrettable Haircut....

Last week, I mentioned the haircut that I had gotten. Well, now I regret it. Mainly because I miss my length in my twistouts. The cut would've been cuter to me if I hadn't already cut bangs. My rule of thumb is: bangs with longer hair and no bangs with shorter hair.
Sigh....what the heck was I thinking????
Wellllllllllll, I was completely freaked out from the damage my post partum shedding has done to my edges. My edges are very thin and when I looked at them closely in the mirror (about a month ago), I saw ends with splits!
So, naturally I assumed it was like that everywhere. My hair growth has been pretty consistent for the past 2.5 years since I started my chemical-free journey, but I haven't seen any growth in the back for 4-5 mos. now. That's at least a couple of inches that I could have had, that I was afraid were split.
I guess I'm done crying over my spilled milk now, but the good thing is that my ends are fresh and rid of splits. I'm starting fresh. Again.

Its just hair anyways....
....but i'll probably be sporting some sort of braids this Christmas. :-/

When pulled, it seems to form an asymmetrical bob, with the shortest area (back center) reaching near the bottom of my neck and the longest area (sides) reaching my shoulder blades.

At least my hubby was supportive. He's so cute. He's learned the right things to say!


  1. I still think it looks cute. Sounds like you have your husband trained well too. Isn't it great when they know the right things to say?

  2. awww, i truly believe that it still looks really good! in the end, you did the right thing for your hair ... so even if you regret it now, you'll be happy later {at least i hope so!}.

  3. I think it still looks good! Hopefully the cut will jumpstart new growth just in time for the new year and you will look back at this period and say it was worth it!

  4. It looks great. The one great thing about hair is that it grows back. Give it a couple of months. Kudos to the hubby saying the right things.

  5. I think it still looks cute! I can't wait to be 100% natural. I am ready to stop transitioning and get this show on the road.

  6. I know what you're going through-- pp shedding made me cut too. Luckily, I'm happy with mine. Don't worry--your hair will be back before you know it! It will probably be thicker too, now that the shedding is over.

  7. I think it still looks cute and that you have a good man!

  8. It's still so cute D, I like it.. I think on the positive side, it'll jumpstart new fun adventures and growth for you as the new year unfolds.. *You can never go wrong* You still look pretty : ))

  9. I agree w/everyone else; it's really cute. And the upside is that it'll grow better/faster with even ends. But remember also that braids, depending on the type of hair (if that's what you were referring to -- synthetic, human, etc.) will pull your edges as well.

  10. First of all....your hair/curls are completely fabulous. Still. If you are having issues with the bangs....try and two strand twist and pin them off to the side. I adore you. And yoru fab hair. Don't fret...you are gorgeous! :)

  11. i still think it's a great hair cut and i love your hair..i want your hair!

  12. Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the kind words! Although I still regret the cut, I know it gave my hair the boost that it needed.

    @Arnebya - I got human hair micro braids. I only plan to leave them in for 6 weeks, but its giving me the break I needed anyway.

    @Meli - I adore you too! That's a really good idea with the bangs and I just saw a youtube vid on it that I loved and will be doing it soon!

  13. Love your hair! I definitely know what your going through...14 months after having my daughter and my hair still hasn't been the same Glad I found your blog, your newest follower!


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