Friday, February 17, 2012

Whitney Houston - Short and Sweet

"Folks turn to music at their highest highs and their lowest lows. It makes sense that they mourn a person that is responsible for life's contributions."
-someone I follow on twitter

Whitney Houston's passing was devastating to me after I realized that it was real. Even as I write this, I can feel a  lump developing in my throat. You know the kind that can be easily followed by tears if you let it? I don't know why either. I wasn't a superfan. I'm not a superfan of anyone, but I do love a lot of female celebs and she, with her seemingly beautiful spirit, was one of them. I know so many of her songs and can visualize "Waiting to Exhale" like it just came out a week ago.

Anyway, some entertainers that capture moments of your life in song and you connect with them because of it...not to mention her VOICE! She made everyone think they could sing, ha ha. 
Some people, well a lot of people then judge them. Who am I kidding, we've all judged some personal choices made by our most adored entertainers. But there's not a situation in our lives where we can honestly understand what some of these people go through. I can't imagine having my tribulations with myself and my husband in the public eye! Not even my local public eye. I wish they had more privacy and we only knew their triumphs so we could celebrate that with them. 

I found it fitting to share a photo of Whitney with her daughter. Losing a parent at 18 is hard and losing a parent at 18 that you considered to be one of your best friends is even harder.
 God bless the family of Whitney Houston.

Just HAD to share the hair shot!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Whether you're single or boo'd up, ha ha, enjoy today with your sweetie and/or something sweet!
We don't really do much around this way but we did have a cute little date over the weekend.
Now, we won't have to be caught in the jam-packed restaurants with all the other couples.
We're so low-key now......babies do that. :-)

Let them eat cake! ;-)
Actually, I plan to have my favorite ice cream from my favorite spot. I've waited so patiently for it!

Its Been Forever!

Oh my goodness its been forever since I've blogged or read any blogs!

We found an awesome house and are moving at the end of this month. That means all of our "free" time has been filled with packing and showings for the place that we are living in now.
That part is the worst part about it.

Before our showings started, my boys came down with a serious case of RSV, respiratory syncytial virus.
This pretty much lasted three weeks.
My 2-year old got it at the end of January and my 1-year old got it that following week.
During those three weeks, they had fevers of 103 and 101 degrees and did breathing treatments all day everyday.
Since I am at home with the boys, I got it too. Bleh. I didn't have any fevers but some respiratory yuckiness instead. We have pretty much been RSV-free for a week and a half now.

Anyway, I am so excited about our move that I wish the 28th would hurry up and get here already! Well, since my kiddos are still sleep....for now....I think I'll catch up on blogs. Can't wait to read about your world!